Holy website!
If you’ve made it this far, then you’ve found it! I decided to make a website. Why?
The short answer, is to put all of my stuff in one place.
I really want to start making content again. Lots of it! Cartoons, music, a podcast, I’ve been working on a comic, we conceptualized and worked on ideas for a variety show, and I want to try to do all of these things! I also want to have a place to update people on the things I’m working on.
I guess the first thing I could show any behind the scenes on would be the Home Movies/Sonic parody cartoon.
This was a project that was started in January of 2019, when my good friend Aron Keyser was living with me! Some people might know that we released a string of cartoons together on his channel for a few months. One of the last things we joked about was this idea before he left back for Germany. I was sitting in a discord call playing Sonic or something, and my friend Charlie and I were drinking and riffing as Coach McGuirk and Brendan for some reason. We might have had the DVD’s on in the background of our room. Aron was drawing in the background, and feeling inspired did this lovely sketch.
Aron’s original sketch!
This is where it all started!
That’s when we knew we had to come up with a cartoon. It didn’t take long to write the short, Charlie and I kept riffing back and forth, I played Sonic, he played Eggman. Aron would interject with jokes occasionally. The next fiasco was going to be casting the cartoon. It wouldn’t be worth it if it didn’t sound legitimately like Coach McGuirk. I animated a test using some actual Home Movies dialogue, and I knew it had to be done right!
Believe it or not, I had paid someone else to do the voice originally, but I wasn’t happy with what we got back! My friend Rob told me about his buddy Routt, who is an immense powerhouse of talent. He nailed the Jon H. Benjamin voice and made this project happen.
I was only recently able to come back and finish the last few minutes of the project, but got it done!
As far as the future is concerned, I’ve learned a lot from a few friends about how to make content at a faster rate. I’d like to try to get several cartoons out in 2021. But before that, I’ve already started working on another cartoon with my friend Charlie! Stay tuned for updates on that!
Until then,